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Portugal residence by investment scheme


Portugal residence by investment scheme

Portugal also gives investors a viable option for those wanting residency through investment. This Residence by Investment (RBI) program not only provides affordable pathways to residency rights, but also grants access to the Schengen area. To secure this opportunity, investors must acquire eligible real estate with a value of €500,000 or more. This investment yields renewable 2-year visas, ultimately leading to permanent residency status. We break down key details investors need to evaluate when considering Portugal’s residence program.

Eligibility and options

The RBI program sets straightforward requirements – purchase property totaling €500,000 or more in value without any mortgage financing. Nearly all types of real estate in urban or rural areas qualify. Investors can meet thresholds buying multiple less expensive properties too.

Dependents like minor children and a spouse can be included in renewal applications to legally reside under the main applicant’s permit.

For those looking to start businesses, entrepreneur and startup investor programs incentivize launching operations locally with capital commitments and hiring targets. These offer faster tracks to permanent residency.

To qualify for RBI, investors must purchase outright real estate totaling above €500,000 in appraised value. Nearly all types of properties from urban condos to rural vineyards can qualify. Investors can also meet thresholds purchasing multiple less expensive assets.

Application process

With certified property purchases completed, applicants submit documents including:

  • Passport copies
  • Property sale invoices
  • Valuation certificates
  • Background checks

Portugal generally issues initial temporary residence approval within 12 weeks if applications meet guidelines.

Rights and transition process

Investors must live in Portugal 60+ days the first year, then 60 days on average during the two-year renewal periods to maintain status. After five renewals (10 years), investors can transition to permanent residency by investing €500,000 into a local company or €350,000 under the startup visa program. This starts the naturalization period for EU citizenship.

Tax incentives

The RBI program enables special offshore income tax exemptions without requiring 183 days of presence. By registering as a non-habitual resident, most foreign dividends, employment wages, pensions and capital gains remain tax free under the NHR regime. You only pay 20% tax on locally sourced Portuguese income.

Costs and expert guidance

Government fees for the initial application come to around €5,274 per applicant. Biannual renewals run €2,714 each period. With help navigating step-by-step processes, an immigration lawyer often warrants the €15,000 to €30,000 fee investment for smoother onboarding.

The Residence by Investment track offers a cost-effective foothold to life in Europe. Matched with tax optimizing NHR benefits and its startup visa transition path, the program accelerates global mobility for those looking to establish deeper ties and eventual citizenship rights through Portugal’s proven Golden Visa scheme.