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Panama Residence by Investment Program


I. Overview

The Panama Residence by Investment Program allows foreign nationals to obtain residence status in Panama through various investment options. Applicants can invest in real estate, reforestation, stocks, or bank deposits to qualify for Panama’s residence visa. The program provides an attractive gateway to live, work, or study in Panama without any residency requirements.

II. Panama’s strategic positioning

Panama is strategically positioned between Central and South America, making it a major hub for international trade, banking, and finance. The Panama Canal is one of the most important maritime trade routes globally, facilitating commerce between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This provides Panama access to diverse markets in North, Central, and South America. The country has developed as a service-based economy and is an ideal base for global investors and businesses seeking new opportunities.

III. Residence by investment overview

The Panama Residence by Investment Program allows applicants to invest in the country and obtain temporary or permanent residence status for themselves and dependent family members. There is no requirement to live in Panama to maintain residence status. The program provides visa-free access to most Central and South American countries, right of establishment to conduct business, and pathways to Panama citizenship.

IV. Investment details

The minimum investment required is USD 100,000. Processing times vary based on the type of investment:

  • Qualified Investor: 30 days
  • Friendly Nations: 4-6 months
  • Forestry Investor: 4-6 months

V. Key benefit

A key benefit of Panama’s residence program is the right to free movement within the country and throughout Panama’s provinces and indigenous areas.

VI. Panama’s economy and development

Panama has a rapidly growing service-based economy focused on financial services, logistics, and tourism. The stable economic growth and strategic location provide global investors and entrepreneurs an attractive base for regional operations and expansion into Latin American markets. Residence in Panama allows investors and families to integrate into the nation’s fabric and partake in its continued growth.

VII. Residence duration and citizenship

Residence status is granted within 30 days or 4-6 months after approval, depending on the investment route. Investors can apply for permanent residence after 1-2 visa renewals. After five years of residence in Panama, investors and families are eligible to apply for full Panamanian citizenship.

VIII. Benefits of Panamanian golden visa

Some key benefits of Panama’s golden visa program include:

  • Permission to live, work, study and conduct business in Panama
  • Visa-free travel within Central and South American countries
  • Education, healthcare and other benefits for dependents
  • Tax incentives and no residency requirements
  • Strategic base for regional business operations

IX. Proximity and business opportunities

Panama’s proximity to major Latin American economies like Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela provide investors prime access to growing regional markets. Panama City is also emerging as a base for multinational companies seeking to access opportunities in the region. The Panama Canal continues to be a strategic global trade hub.

X. Panama Golden visa requirements

There are three main investment routes:

  1. Qualified Investor: USD 300,000 in real estate, USD 500,000 in stocks, or USD 750,000 bank deposit.
  2. Friendly Nations: USD 200,000 in real estate/bank deposit or offer employment to Panamanians. Applies to 50+ countries.
  3. Forestry Investor: USD 100,000 in real estate, USD 100,000 in reforestation, or USD 350,000 teak reforestation.

XI. Procedures and time frame

Applicants must submit the appropriate documentation, application forms, due diligence checks, and processing fees. Approval time varies from 30 days to 4-6 months depending on the investment route. Investors can apply for permanent residence status after 1-2 visa renewals.

XII. Permanent residence and citizenship

After renewing temporary residence status once or twice, investors are eligible to apply for permanent residence. Subsequently, they can apply for full Panamanian citizenship after five years of legal residence. Special conditions apply for citizens of Spain and most Latin American countries.

The Panama Residence by Investment Program offers investors an excellent opportunity to gain residence rights in a strategic regional hub with pathways for long-term settlement. The program is an attractive gateway to tap into Panama’s continued growth and prosperity.